Pentasia Chief Executive: Labor Deficiency Now a Development-Halting Constraint


## Pentasia Chief Executive: Labor Deficiency Now a “Development-Halting Constraint” – Hiring – iGB

A key discovery in this year’s iGB-Pentasia Compensation Survey is that the gaming sector is facing difficulties in locating the skilled workforce to satisfy its expansion needs, writes Alastair Cleland, Chief Executive of Pentasia.

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Pentasia Chief Executive: Labor Deficiency Now a “Development-Halting Constraint”

The requirement for gaming expertise has surged in the past 12 months, surpassing even the prosperous times of our industry’s early growth. Businesses across the sector are struggling to find skilled personnel to match the scale and pace of their investments.

This situation has significant consequences. Core operational teams are understaffed. Expansion plans are not being implemented. Returns on investment are declining.

Globally, the labor deficiency has become a significant obstacle to the growth of the gaming industry.

It is therefore not surprising that this year’s average salary increase of 12% is notable. However, in many areas, increases of over 25% have become common. Businesses with hiring backlogs have to pay whatever it takes.

**Abilities in Demand**

Technical abilities are by far the most difficult to recruit and retain. This is a challenge that requires a completely new approach, including dedicated hiring teams, fast recruitment processes, and a completely open attitude to location and work structure.

Throughout 2022, the typical compensation for technology experts rose by 12%. Despite many receiving substantial pay hikes, the scarcity of skilled professionals remains a serious problem. Nevertheless, salary levels are now almost entirely determined by expertise, irrespective of geographical location.

Professionals in the fields of compliance and law also witnessed generous compensation, with their salaries increasing by 26%. However, their workload is exceptionally heavy. Regulatory updates and enhancements will continue to fuel the demand for expertise in 2022 and beyond.

The sales sector also experienced significant salary increases, with salaries recovering rapidly after the pandemic-induced downturn. Business-critical skills in data analysis were also highly sought after. Human-centric HR leaders were also highly valued.

Persistent industry investment fueled the expansion of the hiring market. It is anticipated that 65% of companies will experience “labor growth” in 2022, an increase of 8% from the previous year. However, the reality of today’s hiring market is increasingly desperate.

Hiring delays are expensive. Investors seeking financial returns cannot afford to wait for talent. Consequently, further salary increases appear inevitable.

Employers are also being compelled to accommodate the numerous other demands of candidates. Most notably, the industry is now “transcending location.” Hybrid work models have become the new standard, with remote work becoming widespread in certain sectors.

Flexible work policies have also evolved, but candidates are still demanding greater transparency and commitment from employers early in the hiring process.

Businesses are providing adaptable work schedules, and as a consequence, they are experiencing greater employee retention. These businesses are also finding it simpler to attract new talent, particularly those with family responsibilities.

Positively, enduring solutions to the talent scarcity are also appearing. In 2021, the most sought-after hiring positions were “people-focused” leaders; companies recognize the importance of fostering an environment where individuals desire to work.

Organizations are also increasingly dedicated to developing future talent, supporting graduate entry programs and professional development.

In today’s fiercely competitive talent market, only these long-term strategies will ultimately prevail.

For comprehensive information on how compensation varies across geographical areas, industries, and job functions, you can access the complete iGB-Pentasia Salary Survey report here, or utilize the viewer below.

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