GamCare Urges Collaboration to Tackle Gambling-Related Financial Harm


A British charitable organization, GamCare, has recently unveiled its newest suggestions for tackling financial burdens linked to gambling. They advocate for increased cooperation among various entities to lessen the negative effects of gambling.

GamCare is urging collaboration among different organizations to tackle the issues stemming from gambling.

In November, GamCare hosted the second installment in a series of workshops centered on financial harm associated with gambling (GRFH). The event concentrated on how various sectors can better assist individuals grappling with gambling-related debt.

The gathering brought together over 60 individuals, including specialists from the University of Bristol and Lloyds Banking Group. Present were also representatives from debt counseling agencies like Citizens Advice, PayPlan, and StepChange, as well as individuals who have personally experienced gambling-related financial burdens.

The participants deliberated on the most effective methods for addressing the distinct needs and communication preferences of each client. They reached a consensus that assistance and support pages, along with their content, should incorporate information regarding money and debt management for gamblers and those impacted by their gambling habits. They also agreed that these resources should be developed in conjunction with debt counseling and gambling support organizations, as well as individuals with firsthand experience of gambling-related financial harm.

The key topics of the conversation revolved around how financial guidance and credit divisions should utilize marketing tactics to connect with individuals grappling with gambling issues. These departments should be perceived as secure spaces for discussing the detrimental effects of gambling, and they require sufficient funding and resources to operate effectively.

Participants also explored methods for facilitating information exchange regarding gambling-related debt between organizations from diverse sectors, such as gambling enterprises. This collaborative effort would enhance the support available to those in need.

Furthermore, the discussion centered on the potential benefits of interdisciplinary collaboration in the realm of training. This training should equip individuals with the skills to identify indicators of gambling harm, comprehend the factors that render individuals susceptible to such problems, and provide assistance to those impacted by gambling issues, including individuals affected by the gambling of others.

The training curriculum should also encompass techniques for engaging in empathetic and supportive conversations with individuals affected by gambling harm. It should incorporate real-life scenarios and strategies for assisting individuals affected by the gambling of others.

In conclusion, it was suggested that customer service personnel in gambling support and credit departments should inform individuals that contacting debt counseling services will not negatively impact their credit scores. They should provide clear explanations regarding the factors that do and do not influence credit scores.

In conclusion, GamCare suggests that various departments collaborate to create a set of resources for customer-facing employees to engage in delicate discussions about gambling-related financial hardship (GRFH) and to implement these resources across all markets.

Moreover, it is advised that all departments utilize personal accounts and narratives to dismantle the stigma, shame, and obstacles associated with accessing gambling and debt assistance.

“As significant financial burdens lead to heightened risks for individuals struggling to manage their gambling and debt levels, including housing challenges and the possibility of homelessness, it is more crucial than ever for debt counseling, gambling support, and consumer credit organizations to provide a variety of solutions to address the requirements of their clientele,” GamCare stated.

“Following our series of workshops, we have gained a comprehensive understanding of best practices in addressing gambling-related debt and the necessary modifications across departments to assist those impacted.

“We eagerly anticipate collaborating with colleagues in debt counseling, credit, and gambling support sectors to put our recommendations into practice.”

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