Mississippi Sports Wagering Earnings Dip Slightly in January


Mississippi’s sports wagering earnings hit $66.5 million in January. Sports wagering in the state saw a slight dip from the same time period last year, with monthly earnings also declining.

Mississippi’s sports wagering earnings hit $66.5 million in January.
The state’s gaming earnings dipped 0.9% from $67.1 million in January 2021, but total earnings in January rose 17.1% month-over-month from $56.8 million in December.

Earnings for the month were down 28.6% year-over-year, falling from $9.1 million to $6.5 million, but this was more than double the figure reported for the final month of 2021, when the state reported December earnings of $3.2 million.

In terms of monthly performance, coastal casinos remained the sports wagering venue of choice for consumers in January, with a total of $45.7 million wagered and $3.1 million in earnings.

Coastal casinos attracted $17.5 million in bets on football in January, slightly higher than the $17.3 million on basketball. Baseball betting was just $2,953, while parlay bets reached $4.1 million and other sports hit $6.9 million.

Northern casinos saw $10.9 million in wagers and $1.6 million in earnings, with football again the most popular betting option, attracting a total of $4.7 million in bets.

Central casinos attracted the least amount of wagers, with a total of $9.9 million wagered for the month, but earnings were higher than northern casinos, reaching $1.9 million.

The Central Casino’s sports betting scene is dominated by basketball, drawing in a staggering $2.4 million in wagers, significantly outpacing football’s $1.9 million. Meanwhile, parlay bets soared to a remarkable $5.5 million.

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