Bill Zender to Leave Cosmic Entertainment Board


Cosmic Entertainment bids adieu to seasoned expert Bill Zender as he vacates his position on their governing body. After contributing for more than seven years, Zender’s exit will commence on July 1st, 2023.

Zender’s input to the firm began in 2015. His withdrawal will reduce the board to four individuals: Mark Lipparelli (Head), Blaine Graboyes, Cheryl Kater, and Michael Gavin Isaacs.

Cosmic Entertainment is diligently seeking Zender’s successor. They have collaborated with recruitment agency, Tisbury Brown, to form a selection panel. This group, consisting of two board representatives and an autonomous stakeholder, will pinpoint and propose a candidate to the complete board.

The designated individual will be presented for appointment at Cosmic Entertainment’s 2024 shareholder assembly, fulfilling the remaining duration of Zender’s term.

Mark Lipparelli, Cosmic Entertainment’s Head, conveyed his appreciation for Zender’s input, deeming him “an icon in the casino table game sector” and emphasizing the invaluable guidance Zender offered during his service.

William has been incredibly valuable to our organization, contributing significantly to our expansion and remarkable achievements. He possesses a keen eye for identifying emerging prospects, and his specialized knowledge has proven to be indispensable. His absence will be felt, but we extend our heartfelt best wishes for his future endeavors.”

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